Making free dynamic photos (advertisements) wallpaper APP (can put any pictures you want on the Google play)
If you want to set up the dynamic photos (advertisements) wallpaper APP on the Google play. But can’t design the APP program, neither want just set up one APP to pay the fee, nor want pay any fee for the dynamic photos (advertisements) wallpaper APP. Welcome to connect with responsible designer .We will help you to complete your wish!
Service note:
1. Dynamic photos (advertisements) wallpaper APP can exhibit twenty pictures, if more than twenty pictures, please provide until integer. We will make second APP.
2. Please provide the pictures or images which are predominantly based on straight due to the screen of the phone.
3. You can write the information about app’s introduction on the Google play’s download page to show your idea, if don’t have any contents want to write, designer will help you.
4. Available pictures and images you can set are: wedding, pet, portrait, cosplay, couple, landscape, personal creation’s works and company’s products. Welcome individual and industry to contact!
5. Pictures and images you can’t set are: bloody violence, antisocial, sex (not including bare), and not personal creation’s works and so on. Designer have a right to refuse and don’t check your picture.
6. If need Photography services can discuss with designer. We will decide whether to pay according to the places and the contents of the picture shoot.
7. If have urgent cases or the pictures which need edited, will charge a service fee according to the actual check. When the designer receive the cases, will arrange and inform you. If have urgent cases or others requirements, please contact with the designer proactively.
App’s example:………
Connect way:
Line: x189999x
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